From 3D to 2D: Drawing as documentation and reflection processes by young children


  • Asi Kuperman Tel Aviv University
  • Ruthi Aladjem Tel Aviv University
  • Osnat Dagan Beit Berl College
  • David Mioduser Tel Aviv University


In this study, we examine drawings created by kindergarten children as a means of documenting artefacts constructed by their own. We seek to shed light on the characteristics of this particular drawing process, which involves a cognitive transition from a 3D object (physical construction) to a 2D drawing.


Most theoretical and research work conducted focused on children’s free, intuitive and/or spontaneous drawing. And most data collection focused on children drawings of given objects, even their copy of drawings of objects, or on free representation of ideas or feelings. In this study, we addressed two aspects that differ from the foci of previous work: (a) children drew what they have constructed; and (b) the drawing has a functional purpose (i.e., documentation) as part of a design task.


The study participants included 30 kindergarten children, aged 5-6. During freeform play, the children produced constructions using a building kit and documented these in drawings. A total of 39 constructions and corresponding drawings were analyzed. Data analysis was conducted to examine the characteristics of children’s drawings, as well as the relationship between the features of the constructions and the corresponding drawings.


The insights emerging from the study indicate that drawing can serve as a tool for documentation and reflection in kindergarten and may aid in the development of technological thinking processes.




How to Cite

KUPERMAN, A.; ALADJEM, R.; DAGAN, O.; MIODUSER, D. From 3D to 2D: Drawing as documentation and reflection processes by young children. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 2, p. 6–23, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.