From a teacher student’s view – how STEM-actors have impact on teacher education and teaching in STEM


  • Susanne Engström KTH


In this study, Swedish STEM-teacher students' experiences of STEM-actors are explored. 85 teacher students have visited each, of a total of 21 different STEM-actors (science centres, museums etc.) who all offer school classes STEM-activities but also in-service teacher education. The teacher students were given the task of observing, interviewing and analysing. The teacher students' report texts constitute data that has been analysed thematically.

The teacher students face a preconceived view that more individuals are needed for a career in technology and science (T&S). The teacher students describe how the STEM-actors clarify views and knowledge required for the future: that self-confidence in technology is required, new innovators are needed, that girls can choose STEM careers, curiosity and creativity are important, etc. In their analyses, the teacher students seem to share the same views. The teacher students seem to get the impression that the school education itself is not able to make that possible. The teacher students seem to take for granted that the starting point for pupils is that T&S are boring and uninteresting, and it is necessary to present the subjects fun and exciting. Teacher students describe the importance for pupils to meet the STEM-actors' environments. In the teacher students' statements, no disputing attitude towards the STEM-actors emerge. It seems that a preconceived approach is being developed among the teacher students that the school system needs external STEM-actors for both further education and teaching in T&S, an approach evoked by STEM-actors.




How to Cite

ENGSTRÖM, S. From a teacher student’s view – how STEM-actors have impact on teacher education and teaching in STEM. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 2, p. 38–52, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.