Supporting Initial Teacher Education Students Assessment Literacy and Capability Development


  • Donal Brandon Canty University of Limerick
  • Nicolaas Blom
  • Sean O Connor
  • Maria McCarthy


Assessment literacy, Assessment Capability, Adaptive Comparative Judgement


Recent curricular reform in Ireland has utilised classroom-based assessments as part of the national assessment strategy at the junior level in post-primary education. This calls for teachers to exercise their judgement in relation to their pupils' capability which is recorded for the certified national award of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). Ensuring effective assessment in this regard requires the development of assessment literacy and capability in the teaching cohort which starts on the continuum of teacher development at the initial teacher education (ITE) phase. Teacher judgement in assessment is reliant on multiple factors that impact on the assessment outcome. It is therefore important to design components of ITE programmes that provide opportunity to strategically develop this capability for implementation in practice. The case study presented in this paper presents an initial analysis of the practices and experiences of (n=87) Initial Teacher Education (ITE) students as they engage in a peer assessment activity that is part of an assessment literacy and capability development strategy on a technology education ITE programme. This was facilitated through the use of Adaptive Comparative Judgement sessions (ACJ). In these sessions, the participants engaged in the establishment of assessment criteria and implemented them in the holistic assessment of peers' work through the ACJ method along with providing formative feedback and making a summative judgement of the quality of the work. The findings present the usefulness of ACJ in providing pre-service teachers a space to develop assessment literacy and capability through the active and experiential learning approach taken.

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How to Cite

Canty, D. B., Blom, N., O Connor, S., & McCarthy, M. (2023). Supporting Initial Teacher Education Students Assessment Literacy and Capability Development. The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference Proceedings 2023, 1(October). Retrieved from