A New Framework of Technology and Engineering Education Proposed by the Japan Society of Technology Education


  • Jun Moriyama Hyogo University of Teacher Education
  • Toshikazu Yamamoto
  • Hiroyuki Muramatsu
  • Hirotsugu Taguchi
  • Ping Yang
  • Tadashi Otani
  • Yoichi Miyagawa
  • Akira Kikuchi
  • Koushi Ueno
  • Shigekazu Watanabe


The Japan Society of Technology Education, Technology and Engineering Education, New Framework


The Japan Society of Technology Education (JSTE), an academic society for leading technology education research in Japan, has proposed a new framework of technology and engineering education in 2021 to impact the next revision of the Japan's national curriculum. The proposal includes a triple-loop model of the engineering design process and a model of the problem-solving process in line with learners' developmental stages. It also proposes to incorporate the connections between physical and cyber technologies, and between technology and other disciplines in the scope of technology education. However, this proposal was written in Japanese only, is not translated in other language. In this report, we will report of the result of survey conducted in this project, and introduce the contents of the proposal with some practical examples.

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How to Cite

Moriyama, J., Yamamoto, T., Muramatsu, H., Taguchi, H., Yang, P., Otani, T., Miyagawa, Y., Kikuchi, A., Ueno, K., & Watanabe, S. (2023). A New Framework of Technology and Engineering Education Proposed by the Japan Society of Technology Education. The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference Proceedings 2023, 1(October). Retrieved from https://ljmuojs-prod.leaf.cosector.com/PATT40/article/view/927