
  • Students at the Heart Conference 12/13 June 2024

    Students at the Heart Conference

    The Conference is a space for our staff and students from LJMU and our partners to come together to connect, share ideas, learn from each other and celebrate or many successes.   The conference is a place where we exchange information, hear about different perspectives and practices and connect with people from across the University and beyond.  To foster the sense of belonging and celebrate LJMU

    This year's theme is Community, and we invite you to consider what makes our community thrive, exploring the elements that bind us together and empower us to create positive change both for ourselves and our wider community.

    Students at the Heart Conference was organised by Organisational Development and Teaching and Learning Academy, with support from across the whole university.

    Scroll down to get access to abstracts,  PowerPoint presentations for the keynote lectures and parallel sessions.

  • Students at the Heart Conference

    The Students at the Heart Conference is cross-university event that brings together the best of the LJMU Teaching and Learning and Professional Services Conferences into one combined event.

    In our bicentenary year, we used this conference as an opportunity to celebrate and share the positive impact that LJMU has had, and continues to have on our students, staff and wider communities. Linked to that theme were aims that underpin LJMU’s new strategy:

    Education and Student Experience: transforming lives and futures
    Examples covered in the conference included delivering outstanding teaching and learning, enhancing graduate employment prospects, diversifying, responsive support, providing an excellent student experience beyond the curriculum and supporting communities.

    Research and Knowledge Exchange: curiosity, creativity and impact
    Examples covered in the conference include teaching inspired by research, evidence-based service development, knowledge exchange, and student-led research.

    Place and Partnership: building skills, economy, community
    Examples covered in the conference included support for the regional skills base, building on collaboration and growing international students and partners.

    Students at the Heart Conference was organised by Organisational Development and Teaching and Learning Academy, with support from across the whole university.

    Scroll down to get access to the abstract, contact details and PowerPoint presentations for the keynote lectures and all parallel sessions.

  • Smiling student standing in front of liver building

    Students at the Heart Conference

    The Students at the Heart Conference team is working to deliver a cross-university event that will bring together the best of the LJMU Teaching & Learning Conference and Professional Services Conference.  Apart from the keynote sessions, the whole event will be in the Student Life Building, providing a great opportunity to see what a fantastic resource that our new building provides for students and staff.  In addition to sessions delivered by LJMU staff, students and partners, we are planning a number of additional activities.  These will include exhibition and demonstration stands where teams can explain their services or showcase new approaches, as well as a range of International Student related stalls.

    The Conference is themed around the four new LJMU Values, which potential contributors should use as a guide to focus their sessions.  This will provide the opportunity for the Conference to address issues that matter to everyone in the LJMU community. 

    • Student Focused - student-centred approaches to teaching or assessment, as well as services and initiatives that are student facing;
    • Inclusive – collaborative work across departments, or that champion diversity in teaching, curriculum or the wider university experience
    • Community – projects that link with external partners/agencies and the wider local community;
    • Courageous - examples of bold and independent thinking and application of new ideas
  • Special Edition: Case Studies in response to lockdown

    This special edition of Student Experience Proceedings presents a collection of case studies recorded during the unprecedented global lockdown of 2020. It showcases the diverse and innovative responses of our institution to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the rapid adaptations made in teaching methodologies and assessment strategies.

    These case studies offer valuable insights into:

    1. The agility of educators in transitioning to remote learning environments
    2. Creative solutions for maintaining student engagement in virtual settings
    3. Innovative approaches to assessment
    4. Strategies for supporting student well-being during isolation
    5. Responses to digital poverty and equality of access

    By documenting these experiences, we aim to:

    • Provide a historical record of our institution's response to a global crisis
    • Share best practices that emerged during this challenging period
    • Inspire ongoing innovation in teaching and learning
    • Contribute to the broader conversation on the future of education in a post-pandemic world

    This collection serves as a testament to the resilience and creativity of our academic community.